Make the Routine Elegant

The democratization of high design has been occurring at a steady pace retailers such as Target and Ikea partnering with talented creative minds. However, there are still many areas where accessible high design has yet to touch upon. For those of us that crave elegant design even in the somewhat mundane daily tasks, such as brushing our teeth and dental care, there are finally some elegant, affordable options.

Quip has innovated a market that has been somewhat lazy…thinking that primary color-based toothbrush monstrosities are good enough. Thankfully, Quip provides innovative technology, a unique delivery model, and of course, elegant design.

They offer a range of dental care products that include electric toothbrushes, manual toothbrushes, floss, toothpaste, and more. The price point is more than fair and their no-commitment subscription method ensures that you replace your toothbrush in a timely manner and all at a price point that is hard to pass up.

To learn more about Quip’s amazing products and designs, visit them at GetQuip.com



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