A Slim Form Factor and Blazing Transfer Speed

What once was a technological luxury has now become a necessity. We all love to access our photos, music, and documents at the swipe of a finger. Many of us have embraced the convenience of Cloud storage as either a backup option or for daily use. However, no data storage is flawless and keeping all of your content in the Cloud doesn’t make you immune to losing data, or worse yet, having your data stolen.

Seagate has been a leader in the portable hard drive (HD) market for years. Competition continues to increase and new options are unveiled every year. The truly exciting aspect of the Seagate Seven is its impossibly thin form factor that doesn’t compromise speed. Why need rest easier by backing up your photos, music, and important documents onto a wafer-thin 500 GB drive that is fully under your control? This drive can be carried in virtually any type of bag or briefcase so that your data is always at your fingertips.

Don’t give up on the Cloud, since there are so many conveniences and benefits. Just keep in mind that you should have primary control over your own precious content…and why not have it in a beautiful package?

To learn more about this Seagate product, simply Click Here.



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